I don't know a thing about you, but if you're like me I bet you're frustrated by anti aging skin care products that cost a fortune and don't deliver what they promise. And if you're like me you probably have a cabinet full of anti aging skin cream jars and tubes that make your cabinet look better than you. Don't feel bad. We all want to have healthy, youthful skin. And like most people, we're willing to spend our hard earned money on getting it. However, cosmetic companies are taking unfair advantage of this huge demand for anti aging skin care products. In their haste to get their products into the marketplace and our money in their pockets, these companies cut corners in developing their anti aging skin cream and then deceptively promote these inferior products as being the answer to our skin care problems. So in my frustration I decided to do the one thing that most cosmetic companies are counting on consumers NOT doing: some research into why the majority of these products fall miserably short of their promises. And what I discovered were some big lies that are making these companies lots of money and leaving us frustrated and angry. The first lie is that the reason you're being asked to pay so much for a jar of anti aging skin care cream is because the ingredients are so good. What you're really paying for is the second lie: the cost of advertising that uses models air-brushed to perfection and high-paid celebrities that probably don't even use the product. You're also paying for an attractive design of the jars and tubes that belies the substandard quality of what's inside. Many skin care products are made up of cheap and, ultimately, harmful ingredients. Mineral oil, dioxane, fragrances, parabens and alcohols make up most skin care products and have less to do with the health of your skin and more to do with creamy consistency and shelf life. If it feels good and smells good, then it must be good, right? Wrong! These ingredients clog your skin's pores and unnecessarily expose you to harmful chemicals. Well, you might say, "But I do see an improvement in the appearance of my skin when I use these creams." Which leads us to our next lie, because you're not seeing a true improvement in your skin. What you're getting is the temporary "filler" effect of lines and wrinkles that these products produce. Once you wash the stuff off your face your skin is right back where it started. Does this mean that we're crazy to believe that there is an anti aging skin care cream that can really deliver what it promises? I'm happy to tell you that the answer is a big fat NO! You're not crazy. Just uninformed. But now I'm going to tell you just what you should look for when you want to purchase a quality, effective anti aging skin cream. You need a product that contains ingredients that stimulate your skin's own ability to produce collagen...not collagen itself! If you're looking to buy a cream because it contains collagen then you're wasting your money. The most important ingredients you want to look for include phytessence wakame, cynergy TK, and CoQ10. These ingredients have been proven to naturally and effectively block harmful enzymes, improve moisture retention, inhibit the production of free radicals and promote natural collagen production. Also, look for products that are fragrance-free. But I should call your attention to the fact that some cosmetic companies will throw in low concentrations of these ingredients just so they can be listed on the label. This helps to achieve the credibility of a good product without actually having to pay the high cost of producing a good product. However, in order for anti aging skin care products to be effective, they must contain high concentrations of these ingredients. Well, now that you've become informed, take what you've learned and apply it to some some simple research to find a really effective anti aging skin care product that you can have confidence in. All it takes is a little time to reduce the effects of time by finding the best anti aging skin cream available. After all, you're really worth it! About the author: Olivia Romero is dedicated advocate and researcher of healthy anti aging skin care. Visit http://www.blithe-radiance.com to read about the results and recommendations that she shares with interested readers. Article Source: http://www.Free-Articles-Zone.com
wow...good posting...
but i think the word anti-aging must be change with preventing aging...lol
What are your thoughts on retinoids? Talking to many people about anti-aging treatments, those seem to have the best reputation.
That was a good expose, notwithstanding the link at the end of the post.lol.
I was one of the "victims" , if you can term it that way, so I stopped by and spending my hard earned cash on this aspect.
Cheers for a well written post. Can you insert spaces though? Thanks.
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