Not Beautiful?

There no ugly women ,just lazy one.

That's one of my favourite quote.It really true that theres no ugly women.every women has individual unique features.And every one is special in her own all matter on how you take care of yourself especially your face and have high self esteem. a beauty face will turn ugly ,full of acne and scar,if you are lazy to wash it and do proper skincare regime.

If you don`t know the proper skincare regime ,do something and learn.Don't be lazy and do nothing about it.You have to know about  Cleanser,Moisturizer  and all that.This site also have some basic guide to skincare so do stay,read and navigate along this site.


cookies said...

I am agree, No ugly women, just lazy one.

Walk in Clinic said...

Ya beauty is everywhere... just we have to take care...

Daisypicker5 said...

I completely agree, every woman is beautiful, she just has to realize that she can bring out her best features if she puts a little time and effort into herself. A beautiful woman is a healthy woman. I actually found this video that helped me to realize that to stay young and healthy you have to just take care of yourself.

Patrice said...

I also agree, we're all beautiful. Let's don't get lazy taking care of our skin in order to stay beautiful.

konad products said...

I strongly agree to that.. lazy ones suffers from ugliness for they don't bother to treat and take care of their skin properly.. well, to lessen their numbers, maybe we should help them. encourage them and teach them on how good they will look and the possible outcomes once they stop being lazy and start taking good care of their skin.. right?

Keachy said...

i agree with that, work must be done everyday to achieve good skin and healthy woman body...

chuwie said...

i totally agree. we have our own beauty, be proud and just keep on smiling..